On Most Orders Over $250*
On Most Orders Over $250*
If any part of your clutch has failed, it’s usually a good idea to replace the parts as an assembly. Since the majority of the labor involved is removing the transmission, it makes good economic sense to replace the clutch disc, pressure plate, pilot bearing, and throwout bearing—and in some cases, the flywheel—at the same time. These parts are usually sold as a kit. If the clutch in your Subaru is slipping or noisy, our technicians are fully qualified to perform a clutch service.
A clutch disc is a rotating circular metal plate splined to the transmission input shaft that's covered with friction material on both sides. The disc is located between the engine flywheel and the clutch pressure plate, and is clamped tightly between these two members when the clutch is engaged.
This is not a full clutch kit, other pieces such as disc, throw out bearing and pilot bearing may be needed!